The logo for this website represents a nautilus, a chambered pearly seashell roaming the depths of the oceans whose spiral growth obeys the laws of fractal geometry.

A visionary French mathematician, Benoit Mandelbrot, pulled together the scattered threads left through centuries by great predecessors, Gottfried Leibnitz, Georg Cantor, Henri Poincare, Paul Lévy and many others, formulated the theory of a new geometry, and gave it 1975 a name: fractal geometry.

Trees, clouds, hurricanes, lightning bolts, ocean waves, snowflakes, crystals, animal color patterns, blood-and pulmonary vessels, heart rates, a.s.o. have a fractal structure. The very DNA molecules and galaxies formations follow fractal patterns. 

Zooming in on any of these, the same structure reappears over and over at different scales.

Moreover: the dynamic aspect of fractals is Chaos.

Fractals and Chaos are two sides of one coin.

Fractals in nature are mostly not static, they move.

They move with unpredictable, chaotic consequences: ”A butterfly flaps his wings in Peking, and the weather in New York changes.”

All creation happens at the fringe of chaos.

The forms nature takes are fractals.

We are fractals.

Being animals, we, humans, are fractals of nature.

Being soul, spirit, we, humans, are fractals of consciousness.

Nature and consciousness are not separated, they are One.

In the realm of creation, consciousness follows a fractal pattern.

If you look deeply within yourself, you will see the child you have been, the multiple ramifications of its development into the person you are today, you will see your mother and father, your grandparents, the language, customs, food, art, sciences of the culture you have been born into, the landscape surrounding you, the  seasons influencing your moods, the historical, social and political circumstances influencing your thoughts.

If you look even deeper, you will touch the ground of all creation.

You are too a fractal.

If you want to grow, you have to grow like a tree, a crystal, a galaxy.

Like the nautilus, you have to build a wall to your previous state of being, in this life or a previous one, and occupy a larger space.

You will not grow linear, but in a spiral form. You will come often to the same point, yet on another level.

If you want to grow, you will have to proceed towards the limit of the familiar, where chaos begins, and creativity holds court.

Logo designed by Tamara Albu